Grand High Priests

The various local Chapters operate under the jurisdiction of the "Grand Chapter" of each state, which in turn is governed by the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International. The General Grand Chapter constitutes the largest Masonic Body in the world. The Chapter confers four degrees (Capitular Degrees), giving a complete story of Masonic symbolism, in the following order:

Will Chriscoe
M.E. Grand High Priest (2021)
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of N.C.

Ron Sandritter
M.E. Grand High Priest (2005)
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of N.C.

Andy Adams
M.E. Grand High Priest (1012)
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of N.C.

Donald B. Street
M.E. Grand High Priest (1997)
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of N.C.

Robert A. Schafer
M.E. Grand High Priest (1996)
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of N.C.

W. Carroll Sanford
M.E. Grand High Priest (1984)
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of N.C.

Otto Neustadt
M.E. Grand High Priest (1976)
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of N.C.

Dallas Holoman Jr.
M.E. Grand High Priest (1970)
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of N.C.